Don and Tom Sponsored Attendee

Don Castell (left) and Tom DeMeester (right)

Don Castell (left) and Tom DeMeester (right)

We thank all of you that have enjoyed this course over the years. Having been co-directors for only a few years now Phil and I have a deep appreciation for the incredible effort Don and Tom put forward to make this course what it is and sustain it for 34 years.

We are pleased to offer a tuition scholarship to one surgeon and one gastroenterologist to attend the upcoming course. Applicants should be currently in a fellowship or within two years of completing their training with plans for a career in esophageal disease. Our vision is that a fellow or young attending (within the first two years after fellowship) with plans for a career in esophageal disease.

Applicants should submit their CV and a statement about their career plans to Philip Katz (Course Co-Director) at no later than November 1st. Accepted applicants will be notified by November 15th.

Note: Any expenses beyond tuition are the responsibility of the attendee.

In addition, we are hoping that you will join the board and faculty in making a contribution to the fund so that we can continue to support the Don Castell and Tom DeMeester attendee.  We believe this will be a meaningful and lasting tribute to these two incredible teachers who have brought so much to the field of esophageal disease and to this incredible course!

Please select an amount to contribute below.  Your contribution should be tax-deductible.  Thank you in advance for generously supporting this educational cause!

Steve DeMeester and Philip Katz

Donation amounts of  $25, $50, $100, $500, and OTHER are available. 


If you are interested in being on the Committee, please submit the following form