January 16 - 21, 2025 at The Ritz-Carlton O‘ahu, Turtle Bay
6:00 AM Breakfast/introductions and welcome (S. DeMeester and P. Katz)
SESSION 1: Esophageal diagnostics and GERD 3.5 CME (Moderator: S. Spechler)
6:45 AM Overview of HRM and FLIP and can they help me select the optimal ARP and avoid dysphagia? (S. Mittal)
7:30 AM Frequency and severity of reflux disease in the obese population (G. Campos)
8:15 AM How do we improve satisfaction in our GERD patients?
With medical therapy - 30 min (P. Katz)
With surgical therapy - 30 min (L. Swanstrom)
9:30 AM What gets physicians into trouble: lessons from lawsuits (S. DeMeester)
10:15 AM Coffee break/case presentations
SESSION 2: GERD roundtable 3.0 CME (Moderator: S. DeMeester)
10:45 AM 20 minutes each
Are all PPIs the same, why do they fail and should we double the dose, give bid, or switch to PCAB? (P. Katz)
How should I manage GERD in my patients with Barrett’s (S. Wani)
The association of BMI and outcome with ARS: is there a cut-off and does it vary by the procedure? (S. Ayazi)
12:00 PM GERD roundtable continued (Lunch provided)
Who do I refer for an ARP and how has this changed over time? (F. Schnoll-Sussman)
What I see in my practice: the post-ARS patient (S. Spechler)
Where does RefluxStop fit into GERD therapy? (J. Lipham)
1:45 PM Break
2:30 PM Hands-on session: Medtronic & Fuji (non-CME)
4:00 PM Adjourn
5:30 PM Welcome reception - all participants
6:00 AM Breakfast
SESSION 3: GERD and obesity 4.5 CME (Moderator: P. Katz)
6:00 AM Obesity surgery in an era of weight loss medications: pros, cons and longevity of the options (G. Campos)
7:00 AM The GERD / obesity connection (R. Souza)
7:45 AM Endoscopic bariatric procedures: patient selection, options, and outcomes (B. Abu Dayyeh)
8:45 AM Barrett’s and esophageal adenocarcinoma in the obese patient with and without bariatric surgery (F. Schnoll-Sussman)
9:30 AM Screening for Barrett’s esophagus:who, when and how? (J. Rubenstein)
10:30 AM Extended coffee break/case presentations
SESSION 4: PEH roundtable 1.5 CME (Moderator: L. Swanstrom)
11:15 AM 20 minutes each
Indication for surgery and does everyone get the same repair? (S. Mittal)
Fundoplication vs. Pexy (D. Molena)
What about tension? (S. Ayazi)
Outcomes, follow-up and reoperation after PEH repair (S. DeMeester)
12:45 PM Break
2:00 PM Hands-on session: Boston Scientific (non-CME)
3:30 PM Adjourn
6:00 AM Industry Break the Fast with Science
SESSION 5: Achalasia and EOE 2.25 CME (Moderator: D. Molena)
7:00 AM Relationship between GERD, achalasia, and EOE (S. Spechler)
7:45 AM Steps 1, 2, and 3 in EOE management (D. Katzka)
8:30 AM POEM vs Heller vs PD: How I decide (L. Swanstrom)
9:15 AM Breakout rooms (non-CME)
11:15 AM Coffee break/case presentations
11:30 AM Inaugural Jo Skibby Lecture: John R. Smith P.E. Recovery Administrator County of Maui “Maui Wildfires: From Disaster to Recovery” (non-CME)
SESSION 6: Barrett’s esophagus I 1.0 CME (Moderator: S. DeMeester)
12:00 PM The history of IM from 1900 to 2025 and relationship to esophageal
adenocarcinoma (P. Chandrasoma)
1:00 PM Adjourn
6:30 AM Breakfast/case presentation (Guillherme Mazzini, MD)
SESSION 7: Barrett’s Esophagus II 4.5 CME (Moderator: F. Schnoll-Sussman)
7:00 AM Why and how often do we miss lesions with upper endoscopy (D. Katzka)
7:45 AM Can screening and surveillance reduce the incidence of adenocarcinoma? (J. Rubenstein)
8:30 AM Pathway(s) to esophageal adenocarcinoma (R. Souza)
9:30 AM Regression and progression of IM with medical and surgical therapy (S. Spechler)
10:15 AM Coffee break/case presentations
10:45 AM BE ablation: resetting the clock or curative therapy for IM? (S. Wani)
SESSION 8: Obesity management 1.5 CME (Moderator: S. DeMeester)
11:30 AM Societal cost of obesity and cost-effectiveness of management options (B. Abu Dayyeh)
12:15 PM Revisional bariatric surgery: options and outcomes (G. Campos)
1:00 PM Adjourn
6:30 PM Course reception
6:30 AM Breakfast/case presentation (Gaurav Ghosh, MD)
SESSION 9: GERD and Barrett’s 5.0 CME (Moderator: S. Spechler)
7:00 AM Robotics in foregut surgery: review of the data (S. DeMeester)
7:45 AM AI in endoscopy: Pilot, co-pilot or economy seat passenger? (L. Swanstrom)
8:30 AM What’s next with endoscopic interventions? My crystal ball (B. Abu Dayyeh)
9:15 AM What are the biomarkers we should be paying attention to in 2025 and can we reliably predict progression? (R. Souza)
10:00 AM Coffee Break/Case Presentations
10:30 AM GEJ vs distal esophageal adenocarcinoma: Outcomes and my management strategy (D. Molena)
11:15 AM Insights from a decade of LINX (J. Lipham)
12:00 PM Adjourn